The King’s Christmas List by Eldon Johnson, illustrated by Bonnie Leick is a children’s picture book about a little girl, Emma, and her dog Shu-Shu. In this imaginary tale, Emma and Shu-Shu receive a golden invitation to the King’s birthday party. They collect a gift for the King and set out in a horse drawn carriage for the party. Along the way, they encounter some families in need and give away their gifts and treasures to help. At the party, they discover that by helping the families in need, they gave a gift to the King. The story is a great tool for families who want to expand their holiday gift giving into doing more to help others. At the end of the book, resources are provided to generate ideas to help others during the holiday season. While the book focuses on the Christmas season, the concept could be used at any time to teach about reaching out and helping others. The illustrations are very nice and detailed. I found some of the wording to lack a sense of flow, but my children enjoyed having the story read to them repeatedly and looking at the pictures. Disclosure: I received this book free from book review bloggers program, but the opinions expressed are my own (FTC 16 CFR, Part 255).
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Book Review: The King's Christmas List
Monday, September 13, 2010
Book Review: The Boy Who Changed the World

The Boy Who Changed the World, written by Andy Andrew, is a fascinating look at how the choices of one affect the choices of others. The book details historical events related to the lives of four boys, Norman Borlaug, Henry Wallace, George Washington Carver, and Moses Carver, who became men and changed the world. By the end of the book, the reader will see how each of these individual stories is weaved together to create one larger story. The account of their actions is shared in an easily read story form that illustrates how the choices the boys made affected not only the immediacy of their lives, but the lives of millions. The accounts involve a rescue, farming, and feeding the hungry. The illustrations, created by Philip Hurst, are fabulous and intriguing. Younger children will enjoy finding the butterfly on the pages. It is a great picture book that elementary aged children will enjoy, too—mine did. It provides a practical, life application example of the Butterfly Effect. It would make a great basis for a series of literature lessons for the classroom.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Book Review: The Gospel According to Lost by Chris Seay
Viewers of LOST recognize the show is full of spiritual connotations at every turn. In our search for deeper understanding, we ask ourselves questions in an attempt to discover the significance of the events. Chris Seay examines the spiritual and personal battles of Lost’s characters and how to apply the solutions of these struggles to our daily lives.
The chapters delve into the character of each of the main “Losties” and portray a clear examination of the spiritual implications of their struggles. It successfully takes the reader into a deeper examination of each characters’ journey and the choices they have made. The author provides a fascinating look at the redemption available through Christ.
As a fan of LOST, this look at the characters was interesting and enjoyable. It provided both confirmation of current thoughts and stimulation for expanding thoughts on various spiritual parallels in the show.
*Disclosure: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided a copy of this book to me as part of their program. I have given an honest review and am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Homemade Laundry Detergent--Powdered
Monday, December 21, 2009
RV Oven Cooking
1. Use stoneware (Pampered Chef). The stoneware absorbs the heat more evenly and helps keep the bottoms of things from burning. It can be used for biscuits, bacon, chicken, potatoes, and anything else you'd normally bake in the oven. Sometimes rotation is still needed to brown the tops of things evenly. For some foods, adding a foil lid will help with the top browning.
2. Reduce the recipe's required temperature by 25-50 degrees.
3. Experiment with preheating or not preheating. So far, breads and cookies seem to do better with preheating, but everything else does great warming up with the oven.
4. Use the microwave or stovetop instead. Using the Deep Covered Baker (from Pampered Chef) allows you to cook a huge variety of meals in the microwave that come out tasting like they're from the oven. Chicken, pork, meatloaf, enchiladas, dump cake, and so much more. On the stovetop you can make skillet pizzas and a variety of one dish skillet meals.
5. When the weather allows, use the grill. Meats, veggies, and even breads can be cooked on the grill. Find a good grilling cookbook or search online for grill recipes.
6. Begin the practice of Dutch Oven cooking. It's not as complicated as it sounds and can be quite fun and rewarding. Plus, the extra iron in the diet can be a benefit for a lot of us. A great cookbook for be

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wind Advisory
So, in Wizard of Oz winds, is it better to leave slides in or out? Stay with the ship or abandon ship? Is it helpful to have skirting around the trailer to reduce wind-flow from underneath?
Friday, November 20, 2009
What is that stuff??
We're learning how to navigate through a maze of Thomas train tracks, Barbie castles, and Pony stables, becoming pros at dodging and weaving through it all like a driver on a closed course. We're learning new tricks of hanging things on the walls without them crashing down in the middle of the night. Do you supposed 3M makes a hook for that?
We've almost figured out the routines of taking 4 baths in a morning, collecting laundry, washing the dishes, and making beds while still being in them. Added to our daily routine: mopping the water that accumulates throughout the day and night on the walls, the windows, and... in the closets and cabinets. We begin by climbing and perching precariously to wipe down the bunk walls. It must be a funny site to see--children and mom armed with towels reaching in positions to mock Twister just to reach the smallest droplet of water. Then to the back walls and window rescuing the books and papers from certain doom. From there, the living areas get wiped down. We pull out items in the cabinets to find we're too late. Soaked with water, we leave them out to dry in hopes they'll be alright. Then off to the master bedroom we go. We wipe down the windows, we wipe down the walls, we discover water in the clothes closets we thought would be dry. Water on top gets mopped up, but wait! What's this?? The trail goes down.... down... down.... A skirt soaked with water 4 layers deep. A suit... what's that?? Is that dust? Is that.... mold?? A trip to the dry cleaners will surely be told. So, invite us for dinner, invite us for tea... but don't expect fancy clothes from me! Off to the laundry and in storage they go! You who have tips for stopping the flow, please post them here so we'll know!